Sunday, October 4, 2009

Update on "A" lol

On Thursday I had to go to the city but didn't really want to go by myself so I ask my friend if he can come with me. When I met up with him he was with "A". I wasn't too surprised since they hang around eachother. Anyways I found out that he just broke up with his girlfriend. I was kind of happy but also bad..... I think,. . . well I almost wished he didn't go with anyone and now he don't. I planned on going and drinking with weekend and so I was asking my friend and "A" what they plan on doing; in the middle of the conversation we was talking about drinking and "A" said if he was drinking he will probably ask me to marry him. I was thinking in my head 'I probably say yes" lol.
Each time I hang around him or talk to him I find myself more curious and I find myself stuck at a dead end all because of myself, but at the same time I don't want to past up a opportunity. I can definitely say you can't choose the people who like. I have tried many times and it doesn't work. You may not like them when you first meet them but those are the ones you need to look out for; the ones that became your friend. One day, you will look at them with the thought of all the good qualities you would look for in a man, and see it in them.

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