Tuesday, October 6, 2009

DAzed & COnfuSed. . .

Today was a very productive day since I got all business handle so I can start work tomorrow. The closer I get to start working I feel more nervous. I pray that I have a good day and like all my co-workers. I know it may seem like alot but really it not much. After I got done running around,like my head was cut-off like a chicken, I went to my friend house where I met up again with "A" and "B." I started to help them with there project; we sat talking and joking around, alittle flirting ( with whomever,lol. . .ridiculous I know). I wonder to myself if they have any idea that I'm fond of them both. . .I doubt it. I had them walk me to the bus stop and while we was there "A" told me that I should talk to "B." Of course I act like I didn't hear and start making up excuses, maybe even lies, why I can't when in fact there's only one, which in my boyfriend.
I love my boyfriend and I'm in love with him. . shit I'm crazy about him but. . . it just that I only been with him, like have a adult relationship. . . . . .I know that might seem confusing but I've been with my boyfriend for 5 years, we start dating when I was 19 and became pregnant at 20; I have 2 kids now by him and I live with him. We are not married and that's the main thing problem. I know I'm young (24) and people have to mature and comes to their enlightenment in life but if we don't get that time to do so, what can you do?? I want to be with him and he wants to be with me but he doesn't realize the commitment he has made to me. We may not be married but I know he would never leave me, I would have to leave him. My thing is I'm religious. .very religious and I have values and morals that I'm in conflict with because I'm living with a man that I'm not married to and I'm having sex with him. I rather do this under Gods' blessing than in sin. Sometimes I rather leave him if he's not willing to marry me, I mean, why should I sell myself short? I know how much I'm worth and I know that any man would be lucky to have me has their wife. I haven't gave him my all, as far as giving him the privileges of a husband but I gave him all my heart. . . I know its sad,lol but I come to realize that my love is also slowing fading due to us not being married. For me, it hurts to know that I can't get my way with this one. He believes in a marriage, he don't believe in divorces ( neither do I) but I feel like he think he going to miss out on something or something going to happen, like me leaving him. I feel that his fears are preventing us on taking the next steps. . . . .sometimes, not all the time, I cry cause I wish I was married. It also prevent me from being fully happy and it prevents me from living a more of a sinless life.
This is why I find myself looking outside the relationship for certain things. . . . . . . .those certain thing??? i don't know,lol, but when I find out I will let you know. . . . I think I'm looking for someone who is willing to make a commitment to me and do me right by it. I also want someone who respect women more. My boyfriend respects me but has his on issues with women due to his mom and the women/ girls he pass dated. . . . . . . . . .I was thinking about telling "A&B" that I like them both but I don't want to start nothing I can't finish and lose two new friends.

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