Monday, October 5, 2009

I Think I'm Confused, lol

Yesterday I went to my friend house and met up with "A" who was "B." Now I know this may be confusing to you, as it is to me but I think I like "B," We're friends and we been kicking it more. He hella chill,, and funny. I kind of realize this when I was in the garage with them. What could I say?? they just both cool peoples. Its just funny because one is a Leo and the other is a Cancer. My boyfriend is a Cancer and his close friend is a Leo. I almost said this last night when I found out but I didn't. "B" was like finish what you was saying..I thought you don't hold nothing back?? I was like its a secret and I told you I don't hold nothing back except secrets. I started to laughing for some minutes just thinking about that and he was looking like you got to tell me. I was like " its nothing." I know from experience and just common sense that its not good to bring up your boyfriend or ex when you talking to another guy ( that's whether you talking talking to them or just friends type of deal). I think he called me sexy too yesterday but I act like I didn't hear it even though I smiled..I guess you can say that its hard to take in compliments ( for some reason, I can't just say thank you and move on).
I don't know what to do in this situation. . . .that's not really occurring,lol. I don't think I would ever cross that line but I never know because most guys that I have talk to never cross my line. It seems that everyone waits for me, while I'm waiting on them. A cycle of games that will probably never end. I would like to think of myself as aggressive; meaning I would approach a guy or make the first move, but that's wouldn't be necessarily true.

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